Monday, July 27, 2020


Opinion conversation:

V:”Hey Greg, can I ask you something?”
G:”Sure, about what?”
V:”I want too but a device for gaming, but I confused what too buy, is it PC or Laptop?”
G:”If I were you, I will buy the PC for the same budget it is more powerful than the laptop, but it can only stay in one place not like laptop that you can bring anywhere”
V:”Okay, thank you for your thoughts it really helps me to make a decision on this problem”
G:”No problem!”

Sunday, July 12, 2020

English task about suggestions and offering.
The task is to make a conversation about it and this is my task:

A: Hey buddy, I've been thinking a lot lately about my future, I mean until now I don't have any goals in the future
B: Yeah it's hard to think about future since it's not sure 100% will be. But don't you like to draw and cooking maybe it can be your future job, I mean your job is your hobby is everyone dreams right?
A: Right, it will be good for my future if I enjoying it, but if in future I have family can I spent a lot of time with my family because of the job?
B: It is, but I suggest you be a freelancer at 3D  designing or some other art like that, you just need some meeting with the client and if you can work at home although it will be busy but you can still see your family
A: You're right it will be a good decision in my life, Thanks man you're a life saver
B: No problem, you owe me for this


C: Hey you there, wanna join our company?
D: What does your company do?
C: Our company is making a lot of invention to make the world better. And make a lot of money too
D: Sorry sir, but I have to reject the offering because your company is fishy too. And I don't want to get scammed