Sunday, September 27, 2020


 My dream eh, my dream is to be an artist. Why? Because I love to draw, but since 9th grade it’s hard to draw again because of school activities. When I was still kindergarten I win a lot drawing and painting contest, it’s only in city though. Recently I thought about this again, and I want to start drawing again so my skill will improve. I really don’t have any confidece about my drawing, I always compare it with the professional and make my creation look really bad, that what I have to throw away so I can keep going ahead for success.

Monday, July 27, 2020


Opinion conversation:

V:”Hey Greg, can I ask you something?”
G:”Sure, about what?”
V:”I want too but a device for gaming, but I confused what too buy, is it PC or Laptop?”
G:”If I were you, I will buy the PC for the same budget it is more powerful than the laptop, but it can only stay in one place not like laptop that you can bring anywhere”
V:”Okay, thank you for your thoughts it really helps me to make a decision on this problem”
G:”No problem!”

Sunday, July 12, 2020

English task about suggestions and offering.
The task is to make a conversation about it and this is my task:

A: Hey buddy, I've been thinking a lot lately about my future, I mean until now I don't have any goals in the future
B: Yeah it's hard to think about future since it's not sure 100% will be. But don't you like to draw and cooking maybe it can be your future job, I mean your job is your hobby is everyone dreams right?
A: Right, it will be good for my future if I enjoying it, but if in future I have family can I spent a lot of time with my family because of the job?
B: It is, but I suggest you be a freelancer at 3D  designing or some other art like that, you just need some meeting with the client and if you can work at home although it will be busy but you can still see your family
A: You're right it will be a good decision in my life, Thanks man you're a life saver
B: No problem, you owe me for this


C: Hey you there, wanna join our company?
D: What does your company do?
C: Our company is making a lot of invention to make the world better. And make a lot of money too
D: Sorry sir, but I have to reject the offering because your company is fishy too. And I don't want to get scammed

Monday, March 16, 2020

English Project

What is Coronavirus?

How to handle coronavirus

Healthy life

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Recount Text

Bloody Tanjung Priok: Who’s Responsibilities For This?
Saturday, September 8, 1984, two Village Development Guards (Babinsa) from the Koramil came to Musala As-Sa'adah in Gang IV Koja, Tanjung Priok. They moved the area of ​​the place of worship without removing shoes with the intention of removing the pamphlet which was supposed to give an expression of hatred towards the government.

The behavior of these two Babinsa soon became whispering among the congregation and local residents although they still refrained from responding head-on. However, there has never been any real effort from the government or the authorities to immediately resolve this issue peacefully before a bigger polemic occurs.

Two days later, a fight broke out between several congregants and the soldiers who polluted the house of worship. The debate was stopped after the two Babinsa were invited into the office of the Baitul Makmur Mosque management which was located not far from the mushala. However, news had already circulated so that people began to arrive at the mosque.

The situation suddenly became chaotic because one of the crowd set fire to an army motorcycle. Officers who have also been brought in immediately act to secure those suspected of being provocateurs. Four people were arrested, including a motorcycle arsonist. The detention inevitably made the masses angerier with the authorities.

After that, the community is still looking for ways that this problem does not have to involve large numbers of masses.

The next day, September 11, 1984, the congregation asked Amir Biki for help to resolve this problem. Amir Biki is a community leader who is considered capable of mediating between the masses and the army at the Kodim and Koramil.

Amir Biki immediately responded to the congregation's request by approaching the Kodim to deliver the demand to release 4 people who were detained. However, he did not get a definitive answer, even impressed by the officers at the Kodim

Feeling cheated, Amir Biki then initiated a meeting in the evening to discuss this serious issue. The scholars and religious leaders are requested to come, invitations are also distributed to Muslims throughout Jakarta and beyond. The Muslim forum began at 8 pm and lasted for approximately 3 hours.

Amir Biki is actually not a lecturer. However, by the congregation present, he was urged to deliver a speech at the forum. Amir Biki went up to the pulpit and exclaimed:

"We ask our friends who are detained at the Kodim. They are innocent. We protest the work of irresponsible ABRI elements. We have the right to defend the truth even though we risk it. If they are not released then we must protest! "

"We can't damage anything! If there is something destructive in the middle of the journey, it means that it is not our group, "continued Amir Biki reminded the congregation, as said by Abdul Qadir Djaelani in the trial.

Because the request for release of the four detainees remained ignored until the turn of the day, the morning of September 12, 1984, around 1,500 people moved, some to Tanjung Priok Police Station, others to the Kodim which was not too far away, only around 200 meters.

The masses headed for the police station had apparently been blocked by military forces with complete weapons. In fact, not only weapons are prepared, but also heavy equipment including armored vehicles. The warning of the apparatus was answered by takbir who continued to surrender. The soldiers immediately greeted him with a barrage of shots from automatic rifles.

Victims began to lie. Thousands of people panicked and ran in the rain of bullets. The apparatus continued to strafe the masses blindly. One witness even heard a curse from one of the soldiers who ran out of ammunition. “Son of a bitch! The bullet's gone. There are still many of brats!”

From the direction of the port, two large trucks carrying additional troops came at high speed. Not only spewing bullets, the two heavy vehicles also lunged and crushed the masses who were lying on the streets. The sound of screaming in pain combined with the sound of the bones crunching crushed. Djaelani's statement in court agreed that the brutal actions of the authorities had indeed taken place.

A similar incident was experienced by the group led by Amir Biki who headed for the Kodim. The authorities asked 3 representatives to come forward, while the others had to wait. When the 3 mass representatives approached, the army actually greeted them with gunfire that triggered a mass panic. Dozens of people died in this fragment, including Amir Biki.

It is not known exactly how many victims, whether killed, injured or disappeared, in the tragedy in Tanjung Priok because the New Order government covered up the facts. ABRI commander at the time, L.B. Moerdani, said that 18 people were killed and 53 people were injured in the incident.

However, the statement of the Armed Forces Commander was very different from the data from the Solidarity for the Tanjung Priok Event (Sontak) which was also supported by Djaelani's testimony. This institution states that no less than 400 people were killed in the bloody tragedy, not including those injured and missing.
Raditya, I. N. (2017, September 12). About us: Retrieved from Web site:

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Edu Passion

 This video is english task to make a video about Edu Passion 'Daryaskara' in this video we ask people about how they think and how they feel about this event, there is a lot of positive impression from people not only from our interviewees but in other people interviewees too. I think this event is really great because it can make student who have talent and desire choose university that match with the student talent and desire.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

  There was once a woman who was very, very cheerful, though she had little to make her so; for she was old, and poor, and lonely. She lived in a little bit of a cottage and earned a scant living by running errands for her neighbours, getting a bite here, a sup there, as reward for her services. So she made shift to get on, and always looked as spry and cheery as if she had not a want in the world.
Now one summer evening, as she was trotting, full of smiles as ever, along the high road to her hovel, what should she see but a big black pot lying in the ditch!
"Goodness me!" she cried, "that would be just the very thing for me if I only had something to put in it! But I haven't! Now who could have left it in the ditch?"
And she looked about her expecting the owner would not be far off; but she could see nobody.
"Maybe there is a hole in it," she went on, "and that's why it has been cast away. But it would do fine to put a flower in for my window; so I'll just take it home with me."
And with that she lifted the lid and looked inside. "Mercy me!" she cried, fair amazed. "If it isn't full of gold pieces. Here's luck!"
And so it was, brimful of great gold coins. Well, at first she simply stood stock-still, wondering if she was standing on her head or her heels. Then she began saying:
"Lawks! But I do feel rich. I feel awful rich!"
After she had said this many times, she began to wonder how she was to get her treasure home. It was too heavy for her to carry, and she could see no better way than to tie the end of her shawl to it and drag it behind her like a go-cart.
"It will soon be dark," she said to herself as she trotted along. "So much the better! The neighbours will not see what I'm bringing home, and I shall have all the night to myself, and be able to think what I'll do! Mayhap I'll buy a grand house and just sit by the fire with a cup o' tea and do no work at all like a queen. Or maybe I'll bury it at the garden foot and just keep a bit in the old china teapot on the chimney-piece. Or maybe—Goody! Goody! I feel that grand I don't know myself."
By this time she was a bit tired of dragging such a heavy weight, and, stopping to rest a while, turned to look at her treasure.
And lo! it wasn't a pot of gold at all! It was nothing but a lump of silver.
She stared at it, and rubbed her eyes, and stared at it again.
"Well! I never!" she said at last. "And me thinking it was a pot of gold! I must have been dreaming. But this is luck! Silver is far less trouble—easier to mind, and not so easy stolen. Them gold pieces would have been the death o' me, and with this great lump of silver—"
So she went off again planning what she would do, and feeling as rich as rich, until becoming a bit tired again she stopped to rest and gave a look round to see if her treasure was safe; and she saw nothing but a great lump of iron!
"Well! I never!" says she again. "And I mistaking it for silver! I must have been dreaming. But this is luck! It's real convenient. I can get penny pieces for old iron, and penny pieces are a deal handier for me than your gold and silver. Why! I should never have slept a wink for fear of being robbed. But a penny piece comes in useful, and I shall sell that iron for a lot and be real rich—rolling rich."
So on she trotted full of plans as to how she would spend her penny pieces, till once more she stopped to rest and looked round to see her treasure was safe. And this time she saw nothing but a big stone.
"Well! I never!" she cried, full of smiles. "And to think I mistook it for iron. I must have been dreaming. But here's luck indeed, and me wanting a stone terrible bad to stick open the gate. Eh my! but it's a change for the better! It's a fine thing to have good luck."
So, all in a hurry to see how the stone would keep the gate open, she trotted off down the hill till she came to her own cottage. She unlatched the gate and then turned to unfasten her shawl from the stone which lay on the path behind her. Aye! It was a stone sure enough. There was plenty light to see it lying there, douce and peaceable as a stone should.
So she bent over it to unfasten the shawl end, when—"Oh my!" All of a sudden it gave a jump, a squeal, and in one moment was as big as a haystack. Then it let down four great lanky legs and threw out two long ears, nourished a great long tail and romped off, kicking and squealing and whinnying and laughing like a naughty, mischievous boy!
The old woman stared after it till it was fairly out of sight, then she burst out laughing too.
"Well!" she chuckled, "I am in luck! Quite the luckiest body hereabouts. Fancy my seeing the Bogey-Beast all to myself; and making myself so free with it too! My goodness! I do feel that uplifted—that GRAND!"—
So she went into her cottage and spent the evening chuckling over her good luck.
1.  But 'it' would do fine to put a flower in for my window(paragraph 5). what reference it is?
2. The old woman stared after 'it' till it was fairly out of sight(paragraph 21). it reference to?
3.  What is the moral value in this story?
4. What is the antonym of (squeal)?
5. What is the synonym of (convenient)?
Find 5 direct sentence in this story!
Find 5 indirect sentence in this story!

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Holiday in 2019

 Last holiday in 2019 I and all of my friend from school softball club in Senior High School 3 Bandung play in national tournament in Lodaya, Red Fox.

The tournament is held on 22 December to 5 January, in 22 December its just like opening ceremony for the tournament and on that day our team practice.

 My team first match is on 24 December on Tuesday against Senior High School 21 Bandung, I didn't play in this match but my team win the game by 24-3, and we all keep it up the momentum.

 Second match my team is against Senior High School 4 Cimahi on Wednesday 25 December, I play on half round after the match start, I play as an outfielder, its just okay until i come to batter box as a batter the pressure is really heavy to me maybe because its my first time tournament and its national, My team win the game by 9-2.

 Third match is on Friday 27 December, but one day before the match our team has a meeting, but I didn't come because my body doesn't feel so good after get rained on in Sunday after practice.

 In the third match my team compete with Senior High School 2 Bandung, in this match I didn't play because i don't want to and coach didn't choose me, i don't want to play in this match because my head feel dizzy, this time we taste that what is lose like its really bitter, my team lose by 9-2.

 Last match in group we compete with Senior High School 3 Bandar Lampung on Monday 30 December, in this match i didn't play too but we are really positive about this match because in Sunday we learned a new skill to do if we face to face to a pitcher that really have a fast ball that we can swing it on time.

 I don't know in this match we played really bad that ego is higher than a team its like apathetic, we lose this match by 15-2, so our ticket to semi-final is pending to wait Bandar Lampung next game, but we didn't go to the semi-final.

 After this match i had a meal with my father because my father watch this match and go home and take a bath after that sleep, I sleep because tired of mind not tired of my body. After this day my team held a meeting for closing this tournament.